breaks free from the traditional constraints of audience selection and display ad creative development.

Our AI reads and understands the content you provide—whether it’s articles, white papers, products, or any other form of content.
Once we have a firm grasp of your offerings, our system dynamically delivers your solutions to your ideal prospects in real-time across our network of 100+ B2B media sites.
It’s not about advertisement; it’s about performance-based adjustments and asset optimization. Sharing the right content at the right time provides meaningful engagement without interrupting the user experience.
GettyImages-1458606797_white_v2 breaks free from the traditional constraints of audience selection and display ad creative development.

Our AI reads and understands the content you provide—whether it’s articles, white papers, products, or any other form of content.

Once we have a firm grasp of your offerings, our system dynamically delivers your solutions to your ideal prospects in real-time across our network of 100+ B2B media sites.

It’s not about advertisement; it’s about performance-based adjustments and asset optimization. Sharing the right content at the right time provides meaningful engagement without interrupting the user experience.

Follow-up for engaged audiences takes audience engagement to the next level with an automated email follow-up system.

Our AI uses data about each user’s interests and behaviors to craft personalized daily emails.

These communications are packed with related solutions that maintain the conversation with your most engaged prospects, nurturing them further along the customer journey and increasing the chances of conversion.

Real-time optimization

With, your marketing assets are not just delivered—they’re optimized. Our real-time optimization capabilities ensure that your best content is always front and center, driving engagement and conversions like never before.

Balanced Delivery

When launching your campaign, ensures that each of your assets gets equal exposure to the prospect audience. We understand the value of all your content and strive to present every piece of it to potential prospects at the outset.

Performance-Based Adjustments

Our AI continuously analyzes the performance of your assets in real-time. As certain assets prove to be more engaging or conversion-driving, automatically increases their frequency of delivery to new prospects.

Asset Optimization

If some of your assets are underperforming, the team steps in to make necessary adjustments. Whether it’s tweaking the asset description or fine-tuning its presentation, we work continuously to improve the performance of your assets and your overall campaign ROI.

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